
Libertas2018 comprises a group of leaders from the gambling (sportsbetting, virtuals, casino and e-sports) and video-gaming (mobile and console) and can offer expert advice to your organisation across all disciplines.

Areas of expertise

From …

– compliance to marketing
– business development to recruitment
– trading strategy to senior leadership coaching
– recruitment to financial forecasting
– software development to product prioritisation
– regulatory to customer care
– corporate governance to M&A

… or simply advice on joining up all of the above …

the team at Libertas2018 can point to recent successes in every area.

Contact Ian (ian@libertas2018.com) in the first instance to chat about your business.


Libertas2018 comprises 10+ senior figures from the gambling and gaming industry. All have held C-level positions in multiple companies in these sectors and been the driver behind several global leading gambling and gaming companies. All have led large organisations and understand the challenges of blue-chip organisations but will confess to being most excited by the high-growth companies that they have had the privilege to lead over the years.

The team are perfect Board advisors / members for large organisations but thrive on getting operationally involved in smaller organisations with massive ambitions !

Libertas2018 is highly selective about who to work with. When appraising whether or not to assist an organisation Libertas2018 will consider carefully:

– ambition
– the desire of the organisation to work within the relevant regulatory framework
– a good sense of fun as, at the end of the day, life is too short

If your business fits these criteria then contact ian@libertas2018.com to arrange an introductory chat. He would be delighted to hear from you.

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In the first instance email ian@libertas2018.com to organise an introductory conversation.